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What is VNUS Closure?

image/jpegVenous insufficiency is a serious medical problem that is usually progressive if left untreated. When reflux of blood in the venous system occurs in the saphenofemoral junction (venous reflux), treatment options were limited, UNTIL NOW!

Traditionally, superficial venous reflux at the saphenofemoral junction (in the groin) was treated surgically by ligation and division of the saphenous trunk and all proximal tributaries followed by vein stripping.

Proximal ligation requires a small incision at the groin crease. Stripping of the vein may require additional incisions at the knee or below the knee and may associated with a high incidence of morbidity.

Ablation of the vein by VNUS Closure is a newer procedure that is less invasive than surgery and has a much lower complication rate.

The procedure is well tolerated by patients and produces good cosmetic results. Good clinical results are observed at 3 years according to a recent multinational prospective study.

VNUS Closure Study by the VNUS Closure Group

Radio frequency obliteration of the saphenous veins has been introduced as a less invasive alternative to traditional surgery for varicose veins.

More than 100,000 patients have successfully undergone the VNUS Closure procedure worldwide, with over 40,000 procedures being done in the United States.

A group of investigators, the 'VNUS Closure Group' has published their clinical outcomes to determine the efficacy of endovenous obliteration of the saphenous vein for venous insufficiency with three years follow-up.

The study, performed in 330 lower extremites of 294 patients was performed in a prospective manner worldwide.

The authors concluded from this landmark study that radiofrequency saphenous vein obliteration improves the symptoms of varicose veins and that reflux-free rates in the treated veins remain constant over a 3 year follow-up period.

Studies like this have shown efficacy of radiofrequency obliteration of the saphenous vein for reflux disease causing varicosities in the legs.

For more information about varicose veins, spider veins, venous reflux and treatment options such as the closure procedure or guided sclero, contact Dr. Karamanoukian at the Vein Treatment Center, a National Center of Excellence for Vein Disorders by email or by phone at (716) 839-3638.


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