are a bony lump that gradually develop on the big
toe joint over many years. Bunions can sometimes
be very painful and at other times exhibit no pain
at all. The common cause of this condition is a
combination of genetic factors and oor foot
function. Interestingly, footwear is not the
common cause as generally believed. Excess
pronation places excess weight over the big toe
joint while walking, and combined with a forefoot
(or Metatarsal bone) adducted position, causes a
Bunion to develop.
controls excess pronation (although not forefoot
adductus) which is a common factor causing
Bunions. ORTHAHEEL redistributes the weight evenly
over the foot to prevent (or reduce) the gradual
growth of a bunion. ORTHAHEEL is very successful
in reducing symptoms with painful Bunion
conditions. Sometimes, surgery may be indicated .